
Wednesday, February 15, 2012

You might be in Rexburg...

If you have ever described 30 degree weather as "balmy" or "nice out"...
If you've ever been fined for texting in a crosswalk, throwing a snowball, or jaywalking...
If your idea of a good time involves Karaoke Night at your school...
If you've ever worn a mustache to a restaurant to get a discount...
If you've ever gotten wet playing a game of Battleship...
If you've never paid more than $5 for a pizza...
If it's been over a year since you've worn shorts or flip flops...
If you can't take a test in shorts or skinny jeans...
If you refer to your school as "the Lord's University"....
If you've ever seen 7 wedding announcements in one week...
If you have ever felt the Spirit of Ricks...
If you start a discussion about evolution with a prayer...
If you've ever played ultimate frisbee in a snowstorm....
If you've never seen an alcoholic beverage within your city limits...
If you've ever been asked on a date to the gardens...
If you've ever said no to a date in the gardens because you "just aren't ready...."
If going to the mall means driving half an hour to a place called IF...
If you can't park at your friend's apartment without getting booted...
If you know from painful experience that "boots" have nothing to do with footwear
If you associate the names Hinckley, Benson, Snow, and Kimball with buildings...
If you hear bells every day but have never seen a bell tower...
If you have never actually driven through the crossroads...
If your friends are confused as to why you go to an eye center to hear religious devotionals....
If you wear a suit and tie every Tuesday...
If you've ever referred to your walk to your math class as "the trek"...
If you think a Buick is a building, not a car...
If you have ever been engaged after two dates...
If you wait to see movies til they come out in the "cheap theater"...
If you have weekly DTRs...
If you know what a DTR is...
If you can't afford to go to BYU Hawaii...
If BYU Provo denied your application....
....then you might be in Rexburg.


  1. Genius! Also, you should have mentioned skinny jeans.

  2. If you refer to yourself as the 'Frozen Chosen'. -Alyssa

  3. "If BYU denied you." Here is my response to that...

    "Count your many blessings, name them one by one..."

  4. Hahahah this is so true!!!! Thanks for making our day- Niccol and Lisa
