I sincerely ask for forgiveness from all those whom I have deceived over the years. I would not have done so if I had known the truth myself. Last night I was given a piece of information that changed my very identity. Since then I have been re-evaluating my life. What is this piece of information you ask? Here it is: The Gillilands are NOT Irish; They are Scottish. I am Scottish! All my life I have told people I was Irish. I have stood proudly, wearing green and eating clover... well, maybe not the clover part. But I have been proud of my heritage. Though, I admit there was always something strange about it. For some unexplainable reason I loved bagpipe music, I loved to watch caber tossing, Sean Connery was my favorite actor, I had an uncanny dislike for the British... okay that part may not be true either. Still, I knew I had Scottish tendencies, but I was too ashamed to admit it, afraid that I would disgrace my Irish heritage. Now it all makes sense. I am Scottish. I am Scottish!

P.S. Last night Bryan found out that he is African.